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- Finding Inspiration in Your Soul -


Clear energetic blockages

When setting up the business, before we start or even when we are in the middle of it, we have to contend with many challenges. Growth is not always easy and our business holds the biggest mirror in front of us next to our interpersonal relationships.

How much are we worth to ourselves? How valuable do we feel our work is? What experiences have we had with other people? Positive or also a lot of negative? We were rejected, ridiculed and hurt quite badly. This gets stuck in our nervous system and if we don't learn to work with it at some point, it manifests as major blockages and prevents us from being successful. Also and especially in your own business!

In addition to strategic coaching, I also work in the field of energy and support in solving business trauma. So far, the healing sessions have always been integrated into my programs. Since the demand was so great, I decided to also offer individual healing sessions.

Abstract Background

Tarot Guidance
1 question

Voice message 15 minutes

3 cards

CAD 33

Abstract Background

Tarot Guidance
1 question

Voice message 15 minutes

3 cards

CAD 33



Live Zoom Training
5 weeks Deep Dive into the World of Tarot
Once a week for 2-3 hours in a Zoom session.

1 week
Introduction to the Tarot/ basic knowledge
2 weeks
The Major Arcana
3 week
The Minor Arcana Part 1
4th week
The Minor Arcana Part 2
5th week
laying systems

After each zoom there is a Q&A!

Exchange Telegram group
Throughout the period there will be an exchange group on Telegram where any questions that may arise can be discussed.

Practice Experience & Workbook
You will already carry out the first layings on each other or on me, which will strengthen your new knowledge.
You will also receive a workbook as a PDF.

Abstract Background

Tarot Guidance
1 question

Voice message 15 minutes

3 cards

CAD 33

Abstract Background

Tarot Guidance
1 question

Voice message 15 minutes

3 cards

CAD 33

Ohne Paypal zahlen? So funktioniert es!

Anchor 1

* Was ist eine Beta Runde?

Dies ist der erste Durchlauf dieses Programmes. Gemeinsam mit allen Teilnehmerinnen wird das Programm verfeinert.

Wo darf mehr Zeit eingeplant werden? Welche Inhalte dürfen noch besser bearbeitet werden? Fehlt etwas? etc.

Zudem würde ich mich im Anschluß sehr über ein Feedback (Schreiben oder Video) freuen, welches ich für diese Webseite und zu persönlichen Marketingzwecken nutzen kann.

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