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Tarot training

Would you like to learn tarot? Lay the cards for you or even create your own business and interpret the cards for others?

Then the tarot training is just right for you.



Live zoom training
5 weeks Deep Dive into the World of Tarot
Once a week for 2-3 hours in a Zoom session.

1 week
Introduction to the Tarot/ basic knowledge
2 weeks
The Major Arcana
3 week
The Minor Arcana Part 1
4th week
The Minor Arcana Part 2
5th week
laying systems

After each zoom there is a Q&A!



tarot deck
It would be important for you to get your own tarot deck. I recommend the
Rider Waite Deck for learning.
You are also welcome to add a deck which appeals to you visually the most. But since we're going to be learning with the Rider Waite, because it's best suited for beginners  and the symbolism is clear to understand, I definitely recommend having the Rider Waite with you.

We meet once a week. Here you should be at the Lives, because we learn the cards directly in practice.
It also helps if you always take a little time during the week to familiarize yourself with the cards and what you have learned, so that I can answer any questions you may have directly.

Tarot can be fun and we can learn not to be so strict with ourselves when we suddenly forget what we have learned by heart. Tarot is primarily about building a connection to our intuition and strengthening and trusting it. That's what this training is about. Therefore: Let's have fun!




It starts in October.

Until then you can register.

The zooms are expected to take place every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (This may vary depending on the group)

A total of 10 places are available

All zooms are recorded.

You will receive a workbook as a PDF.


Are you interested in a healing coaching? I also offer packages. Feel free to get in touch for more information-

That's what previous participants say



Dear Celina,

I want to thank you for this wonderful training! You not only brought me closer to the tarot, but also sent me on a journey to trust my intuition more. I can heartily recommend your training to all those who are interested and want to take the first step. You made the course super pleasant with your warm personality. Your valuable knowledge, which you have passed on to us, is a great foundation. Even now you are still at our side with advice and action and thus help our further development enormously.

Thank you for EVERYTHING here



Dear Celina,

Thank you for the great tarot training. I've had tarot cards at home for a long time and have often watched card readings on YouTube. I was really happy when you started the apprenticeship. It was super exciting to feel the diverse interpretations yourself and then to learn about your interpretations through your super beautiful presentation. I think it's particularly great that the training was recorded and I can look it up again at any time. I am really looking forward to my "Tarot journey" and was very satisfied with the training. I can only recommend to everyone. Great for beginners.

LG Katrin


Dear Celina,

Thank you for the great tarot training. I've had tarot cards at home for a long time and have often watched card readings on YouTube. I was really happy when you started the apprenticeship. It was super exciting to feel the diverse interpretations yourself and then to learn about your interpretations through your super beautiful presentation. I think it's particularly great that the training was recorded and I can look it up again at any time. I am really looking forward to my "Tarot journey" and was very satisfied with the training. I can only recommend to everyone. Great for beginners.

LG Katrin


who I am

Everything about me, my life and my thoughts.


Personal laying, education and training.

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What is tarot really?

What is it used for and how can it help you?



Would you like to learn tarot and use it for yourself or others? Then the tarot training is just right for you!

What is tarot?

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