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About me

Celina Lavendar

Mentor I Spiritual Guide I

New Earth Visionary I Free Spirit I

Projector 3/5

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Who I am...


I'm Celina and I'm 33 years old. I was born in the Ruhr area, but I've always felt drawn to distant places. Today I live in Canada, my adopted country, after many years of traveling the world as a digital nomad.


It wasn't always easy for me and I struggled a lot with my mental health from a young age on and never really found my place in the social system. Also not professionally.

After trying many jobs from waitress, baker, child care teacher, hairdresser and many more, I found the tarot a few years after I started my personal (spiritual) healing path.


I first came into touch with the tarot as a child and it came back to me in times of crisis. I was in Mexico and I was almost broke. I had lost access to myself and at that time I had absolutely no idea how to proceed. There was also a mexican "Bruja" (spanish word for "witch") where I lived, she was my age and had learned the tarot from her grandmother. I had her read the cards for me and was speechless how accurate this reading was for me and how much clarity I gained from it.

I was so excited that I wanted to learn more about the tarot. She then taught me how to read cards using tarot.


Realizing that tarot is part of my calling, however, I only recently realized it.


As a human design projector, my greatest ability is to "see" people. This makes it easy for me to show people new, personal perspectives in challenging times and to give them a feeling of being deeply understood.

For a long time I lacked the tool that I could use as a bridge, as a means of expression and communication, between my skills and you out there. 

It was right in front of me for so long.


And this tool is "the tarot".


About me

About me and my way to tarot.


Personal reading, mentoring and training.

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What is tarot really?

What is it used for and how can it help you?


Tarot Training

Would you like to learn tarot and use it for yourself or others? Then the tarot training is just right for you!

What is tarot?

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